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Bot Libre Forum

Running Bot Libre on Amazon EC2 using the Bot Libre Community Edition AMI

por admin postado Jul 20 2020, 14:36

You can host your own server running the Bot Libre platform using Amazon EC2. Bot Libre provides a free AMI (Amazon Machine Image) that makes it easy to install and configure the open source Bot Libre Community Edition platform.

The EC2 instance can be launched from either the AWS Marketplace page or the EC2 page.

Launching from the AWS Marketplace:

  1. Search the AWS Marketplace for the Bot Libre Community Edition AMI, and open the page.
  2. Click on "Continue to Subscribe".
  3. Read the Terms and Conditions, and click on "Continue to Configuration".
  4. Select the latest software version, and any region of your choosing. Then, click on "Continue to Launch".
  5. Under "Choose Action", select "Launch through EC2", and click on "Launch". This will take you to the EC2 configuration page.

Launching from the EC2 home page:

  1. Click on "Launch Instance".
  2. Select the "AWS Marketplace".
  3. Search for the Bot Libre Community Edition AMI.
  4. Select it, and click on "Continue". This will take you to the EC2 configuration page.

EC2 configuration:

  1. Select an instance type of your choosing. We recommend having 8 GB of RAM at minimum (e.g. t3a.large). Click on "Next: Configure Instance Details".
  2. Configure your instance details, and click on "Next: Add Storage".
  3. The amount of storage required depends on the amount of content your users will generate. The size of the storage volume can be modified later, if required. Once you have the storage configured, click on "Review and Launch".
  4. Review the instance details, and click on "Lanch".
  5. Select an existing key pair or create a new key pair. This will be used to connect to the instance via SSH.

Retrieving the admin password:

  1. Go to the EC2 Instances page, and find the Public DNS or Public IP of the Bot Libre instance. Note that the DNS and IP will not persist if the instance is stopped.
  2. Copy the DNS or IP into a web browser to load the Bot Libre home page. It can take up to 3 mins for the page to load when launching for the first time.
  3. Once the webpage has loaded for the first time, connect to the instance with SSH using either the DNS or the IP. To log in, use "centos" as the username and use the key you selected during the EC2 configuration. For more information on connecting to an EC2 instance, see this page:
    • To get the admin password, use the following command:
    • $ sudo cat /usr/local/tomcat8/logs/catalina.out | grep "ADMIN PASSWORD" 
    • This password will only be available the first time the instance is run.
  4. Log in to Bot Libre on your web browser by using the username "admin" and the password you have just retrieved.

For more information on the Bot Libre Community Edition see Bot Libre Community Edition

If you encountered any issues, or would like help setting up your bot please email us at [email protected] or upgrade to our Platinum service and we can build your bot for you.

Id: 34518925
Tags: amazon, ec2, ami, botlibre web platform
Postado: Jul 20 2020, 14:36
Atualizado: Sep 20 2021, 10:10
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